Corel photo paint tutorials for beginners
Corel photo paint tutorials for beginners

corel photo paint tutorials for beginners

It can also be a much quicker process than using dedicated HDR software.


The difference between automated HDR software and this technique is that HDR software uses a computer algorithm to choose the areas of your photo to blend, while using layers gives you complete control over the final image. Wait you say, isn’t that HDR? In a way it sort of is. You simply take two or more photos of the scene at various exposures and blend the best parts of each exposure to produce a single image where all areas are exposed correctly. This is a sacrifice photographers have been dealing with for decades. As a photographer, you would generally choose to prioritize one over the other. That means the camera has a hard time capturing very bright parts of a scene and very dark parts in a single photo. We know that a camera has limited “dynamic range”. It’s also super-easy!įirst, let’s understand why you need to blend exposures. It’s critical to understand and use this skill. EXPOSURE BLENDINGĮxposure blending is one of the best techniques you can use to improve your photos. That said, the use of layers is very similar in all software. It’s not a software-specific guide and the exact mouse-clicks and menu items may vary slightly among the different photo editing packages available. Please keep in mind this guide is meant to demonstrate the power of layers and why you want to use them. We’ll go through all three categories in this tutorial. Local adjustments to specific parts of an image.While there are countless things you can do with layers, it’s convenient to group them into three main categories: If you follow along with this tutorial and incorporate the techniques, you’ll see a huge difference in the quality of your images.

corel photo paint tutorials for beginners

The good news is that using layers is extremely easy, and very quick. Layers are so powerful, even the most basic understanding of them can improve your photography tremendously. Using layers in your photo editing software is one of the most important things you can do to create great images.

Corel photo paint tutorials for beginners