Teleport to End of Time and talk with Zixzax to age the wine, teleport back to Phantom Forest - Hunters Edge and head back to Hershel to give him the wine and you'll get the achievement Head back to the basement of the inn and hold the wort in your hand and interact with the Pot Still. Combine the grist with the bucket of water to get wort. Press on the sack of barley and choose the option hold, then interact with the mill grinder to combine them to get grist. Grab a sack of barley, go back to the building beside the well and inside is a Mill Grinder. Head W out the gates until you find a field of barley (x:257, y:25). Nearby is a bucket, pick it up and combine the well with it to get a bucket of water. From there head W to find a well (x:286, y:76). Head back to the house next to the lovers to give the orc the armoury key.
Divinity original sin enhanced map levels free#
Loot the area as you see fit, then drop the idol you bought earlier inside the hexagram on the floor and interact with it, and choose to free the souls.
Downstairs there are fireballs being thrown through the hallway, which at the end is a pressure plate that you DO want to step on as it stops the fireballs. Split off a party member who has high fire resistance and enter the hatch. Loot the area, and be sure to read Princess Cordelia's Diary. Head S from the Inn into Hortun & Charla's home (x:390, y:32). Head upstairs and talk with Hershel and ask him about the Armory Key for an RPS check (not that it matters since we have the key but its still good exp).
Attack/Pick the lock to Hershel's chest to find the armoury key, then interact with the rat palace which will pop out the Rat King, kill him to advance a quest. Out will pop the Rat King so speak with him and exhaust his dialogue, head to the downstairs of the Inn. Head across, in the lane just N of the Inn is the Ratcatcher, exhaust the dialogue.Ĭombine cheese with a poison bottle (you can get both in Cyseal marketplace) and drop/throw it in front of the rat hole on the bridge. He also sells Tenebrium weapons so remember this guy, he's key later. Head back across the bridge and on the S side you'll notice Nurt, an orc hiding behind a cart who is hiding from Gultida if you exhaust his dialogue. Head into the building beside the lovers and talk with the Orc and exhaust his dialogue. Head back across the bridge and go up the stairs to the E to find an orc and a human beside a fire, tell them you know their secret and you're going to keep it. From here head back towards the Inn and you'll come across an orc and an immaculate in front of 3 hung corpses, speak with them both, barter/buy the idol from the immaculate and you should start a quest. Speak with him and tell him that the soul is more than just the body.
Head across the stream and the N to find Michaelis a skeleton walking around a fountain filled with skills. Head E around the building and head to the waypoint shrine next to the stream next to the building (Phantom Forest - Hunter's Edge)(x:345, y:39)
Feel free to loot the upstairs, head downstairs and talk with Hershel and exhaust his dialogue, if you're in need of gold then loot the area except for the area where Grutilda is.